New cancer research  | MIRACLE  Tumors just vanished

Treatment with the immunotherapy dostarlimab showed promising results in a small trial of more than a dozen rectal cancer patients, according to new research, but further study is needed and it is too early to call it a cure. CNN's Erin Burnett speaks to Dr. Andrea Cercek, an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Laurie Karr

Watching this through tears and a happy heart. Lost my father to cancer last August. He was treated by a team of incredible, kind, brilliant doctors at Memorial Sloan Kettering. He benefited from various experimental treatments and trials. They helped him live 12 good years, with stage 4 metastatic colon cancer. He loved life, he loved the doctors

John Powel

never thought I would see a cure for cancer in my life, grandmother died of stomach cancer after seven years of battling cancer and this is honestly breaking my heart and making me happy at the same time because finally the cure has been provided by the great doctor who happens to be Dr itoya thank you doctor for making me cancer negative completely without any side effects