Time on day to day basis we lost in travel for reaching work spot  or home is tremendous loss.

Life is always fast-moving in a city. Most people spend a lot of time everyday in travel because they prefer to reside at a place that they like, even though it may be far from their work spot,its also very tiring and annoying .

Unnecessary travel cause loss energy and patrol consumption, in these difficult times where everything going out of reach ,patrol prices rising ,high fares in public transport. Employers have to look in.

As a result, most people living in a city find it necessary to move fast.

However, over a period of time, people realize that they have not used their time and energy productively. If they were able to save time in unnecessary travel, they could have used that time better at work.

I feel that people should seriously consider moving the residence closer to the work spot for becoming more productive and successful in their lives. Unfortunately, I find this doesn't happen in most cases.

So life goes on faster and faster in a city - unnecessarily.