We see a man 'Jack', who lets us know numerous things alongside his story.
It is expressed in the year 2077.

Jack tells that before he was conceived, everything went south for the earth.
A few scroungers showed up from space, and he said they were outsiders.
They annihilate our moon and furthermore have gone after the earth.
The outsiders were more remarkable than people.
People simply have the choice to utilize atomic weapons
also, the people won the conflict and obliterated the space crafts'.

Due to those assaults, the earth didn't stay capable for people to live.
The leftover piece of the earth was annihilated on account of quakes and tempests.
People send off another mission to save their age and assemble houses on the moon to reside.

They have sent the leftover individuals there.
The excess individuals on the earth save the machines.
The machines are utilized to change the seawater into combination energy.
This energy asset was the last any desire for individuals living on titan.
Jack and his companion Victoria are shown and they were at a station due to given an extraordinary region.
The robots and the machines close by were safeguarded by them.
They finish the work of upkeep of the machines.
They fix them since there were still a few foragers on the earth who ruin their robots.

They attempt to end Jack and they need to give this data to mission control.
They take the data of their central goal from the control mission.
There is something with Jack and he uses to see a young lady in his fantasy.
Jack recalls New York City in light of the fact that their memory was eradicated a long time back.

Jack and Victoria will likewise go to Titan since they have done a ton of undertakings on the earth.
Jack thinks everything except Victoria simply thinks often about her work.
She accepts interest in her position.
We need to recall the entire data we got connected with the film.
Jack and Victoria are displayed in the station
They are living here for a long time and it was on level.
There were progressed drones around them.
They help them.
Generally, Jack and Victoria deal with the machines so the outsiders won't hurt them
Victoria utilizations to remain in the station and guides Jack.
A woman named Sally remains generally associated with Victoria in the station.
Since they got the data of the gig from that head office.
They get messages from that point.

We can comprehend that they are their workers.
They get the data from mission control that two robots get harmed.
Jack needs to fix them and Jack was leaving for the spot
but since of the terrible climate, Jack's boat was showing issues.
Prior to crashing Jack handles his spaceship on the earth.
Victoria doesn't have the foggiest idea about this Jack arrives at the area and his robot lands into an arena.
He goes there and requests that Victoria watch out for him.
Victoria says to Jack we don't have careful parts perhaps you were unable to fix them.
Jack fixes the robots and sees the arena was annihilated totally.
Here, he recalls the game it was played in 2017 perhaps he has learned about it some place.
It was an important match and a scrounger is likewise shown keeping an eye on them.
He has fixed the robot while recounting this story.
Jack was online there and a canine shows up.
The robots were intended to end Scavengers and creatures also.
The robots can't hurt Jack and Victoria while perceiving their appearances.
Jack has fixed a robot yet it was hard to fix the other.
Since its tracker gets harmed.
Jack takes out his bicycle and moves looking for the robot.
At last, he gets signals from some place and he illuminates the pinnacle about it.
Victoria takes consent from her head however they didn't support Jack going into a passage.
The head officials were saying perhaps this is a stunt of outsiders.
And still, at the end of the day Jack goes into the passage and it was an old library.
Afterward, Jack finds that it was a phony sign.
It was a snare too.
He attempts to move out of the passage however his rope breaks and a robot shows up.
It closes every one of the outsiders there.
Jack emerges from the passage and when he comes out he doesn't track down his bicycle.
Perhaps foragers have taken his bicycle.
He some way or another arrives at his station.
There were many inquiries in Jack's brain and he likewise tracked down a book from the library.
It was about antiquated Rome.
The earth was infertile here, yet Jack had grown a blossom and needed to give it to Victoria.
He does likewise yet Victoria doesn't think like Jack.
She tosses the blossom out of the station
as a result of the sets of their administrative center, they won't accumulate the data about the finished world.
Victoria ends up being irate and says to Jack we are going to titan following fourteen days.
I need no setback.
Jack feels awful yet what he can do? At the point when he was with Victoria in the pool around evening time he sees the young lady's vision.
The young lady we saw toward the beginning of the film.
In the interim, there was an impact and it was a direct result of the machine which pull water from the ocean.
Their station gets annihilated totally and it was awful information for them.
Jack sits in his boat and departs for the occurrence place.
Victor gets associated with the order station.
They find the outsiders take out the fule in the wake of obliterating their robots.
Victoria lets them know perhaps the outsiders who taken out the fuel and presently utilizing the fuel against us.
The woman orders them to set the robots so they won't hurt drones once more
what's more, they were getting signals from the earth and jack arrives at a structure while pursuing them.
Jack arrives at the structure yet it was annihilated severely.
Jack actually take a look at the signs here yet tracked down nothing
they fail to see what is befalling them.
The foe was diverting them over and over.
Jack can find the solutions to his inquiries yet it was a radiation zone around
also, they were not permitted to go into this zone.
Jack is shown unique and used to go to a lake for investing his energy.
He has made a house there.
Victoria is clueless about it and he didn't take Victoria here of all time.
The reality was he could do without Victoria and was simply paying his obligation.
Jack generally thinks to him there is something he needs to find.
Jack was laying on the shore of the lake and sees towards the sky
furthermore, finds a spaceship crashing overhead.
He was associated with Victoria yet she lets him know an obscure boat.
Jack pursues the boat and finds it was a human boat.
There were a few dozing units in this spaceship in which still couple of people were alive.
Jack shows everything to Victoria.
Victoria tells this to her head implies that woman. Before Jack could save everybody he sees a young lady there
she was in hypersleep.
She was the young lady who utilizations to show up in Jack's fantasies generally.
In the mean time, drones show up and assault.
They end four survivors yet Jack some way or another recoveries the young lady.
At the point when Jack does this sort of assignment it is shown scroungers are keeping an eye on him.
Jack takes the unit to the station with him and Victoria feels odd seeing this.
Jack needs to save the young lady however her condition was more awful.
Victoria asks Jack we need to tell about this young lady to our administrative center.
Jack says the order station knows as of now and they have sent drones there.
To end the survivors and they stay quiet about this.
They treat the survivor, and the young lady, shockingly, perceives Jack as she recaptures awareness.
She calls out to Jack.
Waking up she tells her name Julia.
They provide her the terrible news with that the overcomers of her boat have passed on.
Just you are the survivor and the amazing thing was she was dozing throughout the previous 60 years.
Julia feels unusual in the wake of hearing this.
They have food and Julia doesn't have the foggiest idea what has occurred on the earth.
How the earth was annihilated and Jack tells her the state of the earth in those 60 years.
Presently earth has been annihilated totally.
Julia holds Jack's hand yet she was feeling perhaps this is her fantasy.
Jack can comprehend what is going on for what reason is her condition is this way.
Afterward, Jack asks Victoria for what good reason the robots have finished different survivors?
Victoria says perhaps they have come here erroneously.
Victoria says I know nothing and I simply believe that young lady should leave.
Jack converses with Julia and says she needs to bring her level recorder from the spot.
Where their boat fell and was obliterated and she needed to know what has befallen them?
Jack takes Julia to the site without telling Victoria.
The spot of the crashed spaceship. At the point when Victoria finds this she restricts Jack to go there.
She says Jack pardon me since now I can't save you.
Victoria has full control when the space station turns on
furthermore, Jack is familiar with it.
Julia and Jack arrive at there and she tracks down her level recorder there.
They get caught in scroungers' snares.
They take Julia and Jack while making them faint.
Victoria likewise finds about them and their information gets online as the morning shows up.
Victoria requests drones from the woman to help Jack.
Jack and Julia were taken to the far mountains.
Jack rises and shines however he was tied and was set in a dull spot
furthermore, Jack hears a man's voice who was discussing the tale of Ancient Rome.
Jack read it from the book he tracked down in the library.
The man was named Beech and says to Jack you are thinking about us outsiders
however, we are people and says you are utilized wrongly against us yet you will find reality soon.
He says yet my friends say I have committed error while bringing you here
in any case, I am certain you will refute every one of them.
On another side, the robots have recognized Jack's DNA.
The robots were coming to the spot and they were strong.
The people can't contend with them and the man shows Jack a robot.
He requests that he program it.
Jack wasn't prepared for this and the robots arrive at there who were looking for Jack.
Beech let him go from that point and lets him know I have gone into your radiation zone.
He says on the off chance that you are searching for truth so go there and you will track down it.
Jack leaves with Julia and arrives at the valley told by Beech.
He asks Julia let me know who are you and what do you be aware? I realize you are concealing something?
Julia comes clean with him and says I am your significant other.
She attempts to cause him to recall everything.
She lets Jack know